Friday, December 26, 2008
Taking Seasonique But Have Brown Discharge

Sunday, December 14, 2008
Lg Touch Light Sensor
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Stranne Floor Lamp Bulbs
Felipe has made me think while helping you do your homework. The lesson was simple, write a story about "terror", the action that detonated the fiction was that it was light. I started digging into my memory situations semantically related to the terror and darkness of my eight years of age: ghosts singing opera, hairy hands with 6 fingers and claws heinous fumes emanating from invisible things visible, hermaphroditic aliens, giant rats whose hematic liquid infect an entire population, the possibility that my parents died by spontaneous combustion, sucking the viscous annelids toes, and terrific deep in my memories took me out of lethargy Felipe "I finished, I checked his story and it really was petrified. Or vampires, or monsters, or flying furry things, that there was nothing in his story but there were kidnappers, military and shootings.
Can U Use Shampoo For Masterbation? Males
would have been great to have that photo, I focused the lens, and the damn battery shot I made the arrest, however, the image of a guy selling WHISKERS (yes whiskers made of God knows what fur) to 10 pesos or a dollar (not Ching dollar is at 13) in full boulevard Benítez, I was stuck in the retina. I imagined hundreds of motorists whose manhood has been emasculated by their clerical frustrating paying for them. I created a new and innocent strategy of drug traffickers to go unnoticed in their F-150 but the Groucho Marx mustache. I kept dreaming of hundreds of potential buyers who wanted to emulate the time of the Revolution and ratification of the contradictions of our Wipe the Mexican political system, pass! Whiskers to 10 pesos or U.S. dollars guan. I wanted to buy one and waxing your tips, grooming them, feeling powerful and revolutionary. Change my mind and I thought it would be inappropriate to my new look, more feminine, so I do not even dare to conceive of filibustering. But if I could have that picture really would be great.
Friday, October 24, 2008
Friday, October 17, 2008
Rate Of Respiration In Reptile
One of the animals with whom I have always found in my life is the duck. But not because it has many impressive qualities or I generate a special condition of tender or what not, but by the human condition of being always on the side that has no chance to win ... Like when you see a soccer match Real Madrid and Athletic Bilbao ... The force that makes this a Bilbao-always-lose is amazing.
tell me but, what and everyone has those shows repeatedly fight despair, one describes those instances where a force makes it so there is no reasonable option for the win. So, put it carefully, very early I followed the fate of a duck in particular.
When I was little I looked over and over again the cartoons of the Looney Tunes. They were my constant desire to Daffy Duck could give their due to the confident and triumphant always Bugs Bunny ... What a thing! Never could, but I was always the black side of Lucas. Too bad you got so many times with its beak to back with each shot that it backfired.
notice And I began to follow the image of a duck ... Hispanoamericano school quickly, as most children (Hi Orson, hello Manique, Bruhita hello, hello Mane, Cabezón hello ...) I came time to get my nickname: yes, many people in those times used college call "Duck." I do not know, you never know a lot of nicknames from where, but hey if you know that begin to degenerate and any nearby appellation is used. I have for my cousin Camillo name became once games "Chumil" which spread throughout the region palmireña, but broke down in a number of buzzwords begun by "Chu" pacifier, pacifier, pacifiers, lollipops, and others but was always the most admired that drove my grandmother before leaving Aura the presence of God. The lady in 7 decades he articulated a brand new "Chamizo!" Well, it happened to me something like: after "Pato" put me "patula" for that vegetarian vampire duck cartoons of yesteryear, that Nana walking with his hand bandaged and his faithful hunchbacked butler (or boy service) Igor.
In Valle del Cauca is usually called "ducks" who are not invited to the cast, who put the scoop on where they have not called. But anyway, because I if I have intruded a hair.
already returning to the animal might wonder here if the ducklings have hidden grace right? As to whether run with the fate of bears, rabbits, mice, which enjoy good reputation when presented as on a bed stuffed bear to hug ... investigations should be made to see.
only remind you that there are personalities with a good reputation: the "Pato" Abbondanzieri, that legendary Boca Juniors goalkeeper; Rico Mc Duck, the most solvent of all of the hacks, the "Duck Purific" which has made art sanitary hygiene flavor, the duck of my grandfather, who spared him uncomfortable nights out to the bathroom, is that if the duck is a duck.
now say that since my childhood I was walking behind the image of these feathered with this extra detail, was the first avichucho I learned to draw (what to draw! Scribble if a lot). It was easy because only should decorate something I had learned in pre-kindergarten: number two, number dear, blessed number. I silhouetted the first number, then you put a pick, a flying wing and a tail adorned and Medellín llista! He completes the task Garden Crafts Red Riding Hood.
But do not think this would not illation with the attitude of the blog. No, no more missing.
Here is the outcome: when the blessed Daffy Duck always lost, it was ridiculous, was dying of rabies and the everlasting rush back, the attitude was the opposite Bugs Bunny ... Contenta, ... How confident when you know what is coming, as when one is sure what it is, as one recognizes the response from the table below and does not flinch.
Daffy Duck, the duck that made me laugh because in their small fatalities was hilarious, I left good memories, but now I see that Bugs Bunny ... was he that was clear because it was supported by something more to it: a rabbit that physical laws do not apply, the outcome "logical" not made a dent, the difficult moments he vanished while eating a carrot. And this bunny animated us we must be clear, I say, if, every day our life we \u200b\u200bmust face it with faith in the heart. So let's enjoy ourselves with the Bugs, from triumph to triumph. Thanks to this attitude of heart, that certainty of what is expected, the evidence of things not seen. What the duck? ... Hence a ladito.
Monday, October 13, 2008
Certificate Of Conversion To Islam
A little bit of nostalgia ... But it is also valid to see!
Before the trip the east ...
I tell you something you already know but may I remind you, born in Palmira, Valle del Cauca , and here let me and depth of the soil in certain signs which I am from: a small town where everyone knows everyone, girlfriend is a former girlfriend of another, the suburb bitter lives in every corner on Friday night, a city where even go victories ( or horse-drawn carriages) to tour the center, surrounded by a pack of bikes everywhere, or rather, a strange disorder. At the same time is a land that gives some contrasts even rare, in its fruits are from the leader of our family in faith
vallecaucana In that land grew up knowing and learning to love the rural area of \u200b\u200bthe department. My family was walking much, and I loved it.
We were also a considerable number of people when they travel to the country estates were given: father, mother, sisters, uncles, cousins, aunts policies, aunts, grandparents, godparents, cousins in 2nd and 3rd grade, childhood friends, castings and other (as in most of the families of the Andean region of Colombia) ... Rather an angry crowd, but the result was the same: I enjoyed much of the landscape, the animals, the environment, to see them give an overview of my activities at the time: and milked cows roamed , fed horses, carrying parrots, geese and bimbos fleeing dangerous tugged stoned frogs, stroking dogs, pampered cats, despescuezaba chickens, collecting eggs from hens, rabbits imitated, I stared p the float atos, helped vaccinate calves ate goat meat special celebrations and learned as pigs killed by electricity, almost to the point of being a farmer there, but it was a very happy little boy, that's really what memory.
My sisters and I were very close s These girls loved, Angela and Jim, played a thousand things I remember especially when we pretended a cooking show where we taught making breakfast, I was looking how I fare, the newly expert " Chocolisto " lso t we recorded a radio program in a aparatejo my mom gave me one time and founded my deep and inevitable audiophile skills (both listening to music I like William Porter happened to Pink Floyd in a second without anesthesia always in mind I have a song for every occasion or feeling fits to the soundtrack of my life.) The program, called "Tele González" (to which now I can not make any sense, because it was to hear no more) and he said some crazy things. I imitated American players (my best performance was that of Ricardo
and they two were jingles for different products as toilet paper Kitacakita”... Si, nos reíamos y la pasábamos muy bien, no se puede ocultar de ninguna manera.
Claro que ellas dos eran mucho más cercanas por esas consideraciones del género, muchas veces emitieron ciertos comentarios en los cuales me tildaban de ser el preferido de mi mamá… Cosa que nunca se pudo comprobar y hasta Jaime (mi padre) mediaba con el consabido sermón de que no hay hijos preferidos.
Hasta que en este año, estando yo en estas distantes tierras asiáticas, mi madre se decidió y lo confesó todo, revealing the mystery and ending the dispute, through an email that I almost split in two, which I think my dear sisters completely unknown and will be our secret (which will have a separate annex for more arguments) "They say that mothers particularly want our sons do not know if this is true, but in my case it seems that it did ... Why is it always was jealous of your sisters (lol) but it is inexplicable tenderness and love that you inspire me ... That was years and years, now I see you become the great man you are serving the Lord. "
thing with my dad if it was a little different, and rather to say things as they are acotaría that was diametrically opposed. A man with a difficult character with a a beautiful life story but to have connection with me: full short-circuit, which always made me high and low in complicated childhood days and adolescence as the link with the gentleman always needed a father figure was often nil. Multiple attempts to reach out and have a normal relationship with him half generated some unusual tastes which I still have: I like the West Indian music (especially salsa), I like the America de Cali (and after football), I like to write, I like people, I have refined tastes for many things ... so, over time, that's what Louie has been for me a great father in his duties (though half the affective regularcito thanks) but I know who has tried to all that his wisdom has it and who loves me as to anyone else.
Now I have a somewhat closer relationship with him but still revolves around the same themes as always, for example: - "Daddy, when he recorded the Sonora Ponceña Trio Matamoros? "Oh that song is" older than the brown sugar, "as of 1,923, or talk about the front of goal does not turn on" Mechita "(currently ranting Adrian Ramos) and technical campaign into the future (now we deal with Diego Umaña).
Thank God all these relationships have been taken by him and all love you with all my being, and prayed much for them and that will gradually see the need to learn more about the Lord and He will peace, love and peace that gave me and they may need these days.
Well, in order to stop where to cut fabric, let there by the time these family events and let yourself be who I say if it seems appropriate that I speak of these instances of my life or rather well let those pork skins from the sun. But not before telling everything that happens in my life today is a dream, but thanks to certain moments in life teaches you to cherish what really matters, to put into practice what they built and left of useless thoughts. That's why I love to see that it is written in First Corinthians 14:20, we are not children in the way of thinking, but in malice, but mature in the way of thinking ... I remember with pleasure in many things, and by those walking in the east, maturing spiritually and personally with a future that looks huge, and delivered to the road that has made each step before it can be seen as necessary to have come here.
Friday, October 10, 2008
Yamaha R1 Junkyard Califo
do not know why every time I talk about poppers comes to my mind the Movida Madrilena. Yes, I know I consider a ridiculous stage and not at all erotic, but has meant a diametral opening in post-Franco English culture. I also know you would rather speak of the Polla, yours and Records, but these vídioclip (yes, you read that right, vídioclip) made me day. With that I remember that part of the culture of the eighties overflow ridiculous but at least in Spain did not have to deal with insults to the intelligence as Yuri or Menudo. There were some vidios
, but with this I'll settle for now.
Monday, September 8, 2008
Dresden Figurine Value
(especially the HIGH CULINARY SKILLS)
At the same time the Asian spiritual revolution, it begins to leave each Once greatest testimonies, such as the operation already has 45 staff receive guidance involved, or how there is a group that meets in Japan to share this guidance through Internet services, we can say that is a giant step every day we take in finding people to enjoy the love and blessing of our Father God. It is definitive, wherever it says
1 Tim 3:16 And without controversy great is the mystery of godliness: God was manifest in
justified in the Spirit, seen of angels
preached to the Gentiles,
believed in the world, received up into glory
We will continue to open doors to see his glory. Yes or no?
Well, besides many responsibilities that involve the lives of people being part of this new generation, on this side of the world, because There are also Sunday,
and as the Exodus 34:21 "Six days you shall work, but on the seventh day you shall rest, even in plowing time and in harvest you shall rest" wanted confrimed that the missionaries here are stressing most of all for its culinary qualities (as seen in the previous post) have captured these images in the first roasted Colombian-Argentine-Nicaraguan-Honduran-Filipino 1UE will greatly enjoy these parts of winds, heat and above all, testimony incredible.
Saturday, September 6, 2008
Can U Get Brazilian Wax While Pregnant

Well, the truth is that this may not be able to overcome what is seen, then left as a record that if the food was spectacular: shrimp, shrimp, squid, fish, salads, soups, shellfish, crabs, crabs, oysters and other marine delicacies paraded through our taste in one of the best we could enjoy feasting on earth who sees espitirual reovlución grow. We had to eat to begin September 1 viewing Israel (Land of Love). Then there left a graphic record accurate to the comments. 2
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Michael Vick 2010 Cleats

There were enough stories for all tastes.
should begin with the setting ... Has anyone read the book by Patrick Suskind, "Perfume"? O well, these new generations ... have you seen the movie, "Perfume"? Yes, the site was more or less like that French market where he was born Jean-Baptiste Grenouille, the protagonist of the famous artwork, which was dedicated to find the perfect perfume. And they can ensure that the place where we stood would never be a destination for this man of delicate smell, or smell someone from a fairly ordinary, then you can imagine.
We came to this site to make the market operation, all for the pursuit of freshness, quality and good price, well reputed fame always have these sites anywhere in the world.
And we found some of this, but most of all, images, smells, words, textures to remember.
holding a fish head for the best way of advertising the price stands a kilo of their peers. But otherwise very similar to the galleries there. Hanging pig heads adorned an aisle where the floor was flooded with the blood of these slaughtered pigs (and as one walks in here, "slipper" why so fierce heat that makes it impossible to use socks and tennis, because as calcúleme the toes of the foot were there), chickens tied on a truck upside down.
The details here may be that vegetables are never in life had been, with a strong resemblance to martial arts weapons, or creatures from horror movies.
The expedition to the supply center left us quite fresh, quality and favorable price, but the sense of smell ... I say ... seriously disrupted.
But those things we experience, sometimes seem strange, as not interested, but if that shape the character and help to discover the way forward. So we must follow are fully confident that we learn the essentials of a lot and we ... because the mandate very clearly tells us in Philippians 3:13 ... but one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, 14 I press toward the mark for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.
Thursday, August 14, 2008
Milena Velba Pink Fur

Moving cupboards of my mind I was wondering about the question I have often done in recent days: how I learned how to speak English. Well, then I wanted to leave a lasting process that began when he was a lovely child, back in the English American College of Cali.
When you grow up in a family of three children, gets to be the disoriented because of the half, and also is the only man in all three are high risks in these matters of the playground and these pods. But that is another matter. The thing is that my sisters and good girls embelequeritas were well fed and had stuff to play, to those of women. I always called much attention to a machine that had: estuchito was carrying a comb and a mirror with Snoopy dolls (do not despair, I'm to the point, is that I moved the bird remembering many fibers Snoopy and friends all the time, then excuse).
The case in question was an inscription: I Love You. I was about 6 years or so, I could read and all, then saw the blessed little thing that I read "iloveyou " most pristine in my English. And one day My father, James, told me the programs that was not, that meant "I Love You" in English and that they said " ailoviu ." Phew, that'll tell you it was a bomb for my childish brain in those days, I was thinking about the account thing: I could not understand that the letters that had touched me so much effort to learn how to pronounce in first grade were now obsolete because there was a language called English in which they said different (my mother! I thought).
Well, the mirror of Snoopy triggered an unusual curiosity in me yet living things (a turtle that had pet, named "Turtle", the TV series: Profession Danger, Manimal or Mc Gyver, and Gareca goals and Cabins in the America of those times). Thereafter, in a personal way, I became interested in deciphering the thing the "other language" that, he does English. And tore looking booklets and other childish things in English.
Later the music was my greatest ally. I remember quite well the first song I learned in the language of Shakespeare: "You" by a British group called "Ten Sharp"
(which no one must remember, even their own families but see how I left my memories) and I was happy to know that what I was saying was in another language than mine did not understand but that others do. Almost that I removed the song, said: " You, You are always on my mind ... you, You are everlasting fire ... and my always shining star ... 2 " (That I leave to begin the class.)
But what is relevant about this? To see what I mean: with this that I learned were pronunciations and basic sheer imitation. Never was a friend to learn English with a teacher in Colombia, say Padilla, Cauca (which should be very good, but because remachadito one is not it?) because the pronunciations and phrases are very different. Then I grew up imitating singers, their way of saying things and getting good grades in English at school, which helped a lot, you also have to say. Already
later, I found the task with television and movies. I liked to watch things in English and try to understand, and as I say to imitate. And so I could get some idea estuchito broad language.
Now here we have had to use all that learning that as I said in the beginning, has been different for everyone. And being at the University of the Philippines have had a chance to increase our knowledge and reach more people.
But as all things have their highs and lows. In my method I have reported has given me very good result, but much imitated leads one to conclude by saying that he saw in films of various kinds: as the day that I crate my best version of "Die Hard" and I told a taxi driver who was charging us more money, after having embolatado going down the path that was not (in the style of John Mc Clane) "You choose the way, I choose the money to pay" (There will seen) And you say what you just thought that race, 80 pesos for here! Best said, that phrase still bursts of laughter Hollywoodesque the family table.
can only write then learn some idiomita guys out there, with effort and courage that it started over here yet. And then apply this in Luke 12:11 When they bring you to the synagogues and magistrates and authorities, do not worry about how or what ye shall answer, or what you say; 12 because the Holy Spirit will teach you in the same hour what ye ought to say.
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
Car Sales Managercover Letter
More rains in Luzon Because of the Tropical Storm "Julian"
(News taken from http://newsinfo.inquirer.net/breakingnews/)
Ole, here sending a weather report in the area. With the sign that the typhoon hits the Philippines now have named this server, the "tropical storm Julián" (allow). I wonder then if the report will only climate.

This is the news: "Expect more rains in Luzon, as tropical storm" Julian "is Expected to Enhance the southwest monsoon events after Leaving the country, the Philippine Atmospheric Geophysical Astronomical Services Administration (PAGASA) Said Tuesday.
At 10 am, the eye of the storm s, which packs maximum Sustained winds of 75 kilometers per hour and GUSTS of up to 90 kilometers per hour spotted 550 kilometers northwest WAS of Laoag City, over the South China Sea, PAGASA Said in a bulletin.
"However, 'Julian' will continue to Enhance the Southwest Monsoon rains Which will bring over Luzon Especially on the western section," PAGASA said ".
Metaphors" about the spiritual revolution ? Well, example: "like a storm that takes all that ails the Filipino youth are bringing the good news" ... What? rennet or not? Hope occasional participation comparisons or similes between the angry winds and our task.
What is clear is that it ends as it begins: Expect more rains (of His Word and Truth) in Luzon (the island where we live), as tropical storm "Julian" (and all AOIs Philippines) is Expected to Enhance (and grow and grow).
(another little thing, if you do not understand much English ... Nung short course of the reference, those who have not returned to classes, there are left with the data).
Saturday, August 2, 2008
Strongest Pre Workout Supplement

that adds a videito
met and 3 ½ months in the distant land. We have a ministry with an average of 12 attending meetings. We have 26 people getting building quotes. We have a Training Course 1-up. We will have our first meeting of Youth for Life at the University of the Philippines ... We can see the glory, that's why we want to give all to Him, because we know here that this is not for us.
As well as the Word says in Ephesians 3:20 He who can do immeasurably more than all we can ask or imagine, by the power at work within us, 21 to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, forever and ever! Amen.
Produced (why not!) By A & B Productions.
Friday, July 25, 2008
Heather Harmon Blowjob
(at the request of many people close to blog, again this post ...)
occasion boom that has music in Asian culture, with how well it will sites that have karaoke as the main attraction throughout the Philippines, we have not wanted to be behind the move. That is why we have developed a media strategy and musical people know the other side of our members. Hatched area known and well reputed Talayan Village in Quezon City, we are pleased submitted to all the fans this new cry of pop culture: The Boys Talayan.
We are confident that the business of karaoke will also give us many valuable experiences in terms of training and learning in these lands. Although not yet clearly know the delegations that have the Talayan within the cluster, as we note that the success of these groups lies in their good vocal abilities, their rhythmic choreography and improvisational skills, we are clear that there are talented boy! Of course we still can not recognize why. But here we are giving them support. I for one, as in the photo, I applaud them enough.

The Boys Talayan, greeting his fans, among whom are counted some stones (-down on the photo-or rather, their fans are only rocks, but the marketing we're riding is infallible, it is interesting that we foguenado for the type of events and challenges that take large groups ... Read press conferences, answering fans, signing autographs etc).
blog Note: This, more like having with reality, is nothing but fiction. Are we looking for a Guinness World Record for bringing smiles.
2 a.m.
Cervix Low, Hard, And Open
My dear co-therapists: How I going looking like that after a few attempts to make this place warm and hilarious experience, yeah, we have answers that we are succeeding. (It seems that the judges of the Guinness Record is about to give verdict in our favor over the laughter triggered by some of the notes and other recorded here) Anyway, to go to the truth, I tell you that are increasing " whir "that I will be discussing with this style you already know somoslarevolucion.com web page soon. So I'll let you know ... Hey, what if it left little messages in the comments, or messages in the box ... These pods are for that dammit. DI
Monday, July 14, 2008
Sprint Data Plan Content Filter
And these latitudes continue to share what it has meant the greatest gift to our lives: the unconditional love of God. Here we leave it to special section on what was the LOVE UP CAMPUS, again counting and with the active participation of Asian pupils have received a lot of courage to serve God in everything.
(Another production of A & B, off course). ASIAN
Saturday, July 5, 2008
Stop: C00021a Fatal System Error
already have the first exclusive images for "The Manila Chronicles of Asians doing pioneering work of evangelizaicón mass campaigns, developing the Philippines operation in the largest university country. Disciples
AOIs missionaries have been part of the strategy was planned to end the campaign of expectation of the "Today for the Philippines, Say yes to sexual liberty."
So amazing and challenging, Angelo, Giovanni, JC, Joanna and Peniel, filipinos todos ellos, hicieron parte de las tomas de varios puntos de la universidad de Filipinas demostrando que la revolución espiritual se está tomando Asia para Cristo.
¡Todo esto para la gloria de nuestro Señor!
Friday, July 4, 2008
Making Ferris Bueller Vest
El pasado fin de semana, después de una estadía de dos meses y algunos días más, nos dimos a la tarea de darle una muestra a nuestros paladares de los misterios culinarios asiáticos (por no decir que nos tiramos a la aventura de probar rarezas) que por acá abundan y que poco a poco van calando en la rutina alimenticia de algunos de los varones que estamos en Philippines. We have taken the tour of different dishes of the cuisine of this archipelago with some nice surprises like Balut. It is said the cooked chicken egg with the embryo inside ... It really does not draw much attention being thus described, except when one bites you and you see small particles of what was to be a cute yellow chick, but now is a fine and popular snack! But good as face to face with the issue is not so bad: in fact, I liked it, and I think I knew that I have seen ruñendo bone marrow sucking, fighting in the tables by cartilage, taking feet soup , roasting hearts, asking for a double portion of sweetbreads They should not miss the taste of this dish, but again, the sheath and that has to do with appearance is yes or no? Because of flavors, parecidito parecidito to what I have mentioned that you eat there, and that many of these pods ami no calan me, that's another thing.
Already entered in costs and considering the curiosity that has spurred the egg blessed my dear Juan Pablo Chamorro, as he knelt to the famous tooth Balut, applying then the matter is taught in Romans 12:2 2 not be conformed to world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. That may prove what the will of God is good, pleasing and perfect. NVI.
Then after that, who not be measured in addition to the other egg is a Filipino deli items. I leave a pearl: Isao are the intestines of chickens, y. .. good one, the "one day all" is a chick from one day to the "Broaster" as are all the chickens in Popayán
large (which is saved from being balut, do not let go of the pan).
Attached visual proof of experience, so that Juan Pablo do not fit doubt that if we tasted this oriental fantasy, that it comes up in Discovery! Greetings
well ... And to renew the mind my dear.
And trust which is pa 'everything! DI 2