crony AND FRIENDS Although few posts back and I had referred the matter, the why group therapy had taken such a turn as we are now broadcasting from Manila Philippines, for then I should make clear once again on the subject: It I have suffered, or to be exact , I'm enjoying a new life ... And with knowledge treatment cause then I can say is "Thank God." So the thing is more or less so, for the clueless and therefore not be asking me and others, because what can we do realize this testimony. First
buddies. Read story now with those friends, I remember who were my buddies. Comment at random who were long the main characters of my life. So let's start with the principal, the excess, all but too much, drink, stormy relationships, friends, parties, cigarette, irresponsible sexuality, selfishness, insolence. Undoubtedly a life directed by the mind or as the mood, rather for the soul as . By "I believe" or the ominous "I find" by " you recommend" or "I advise" of those cronies. (Here I must say that what George Costanza is not made them, was me.)
One day, following the same patterns, I walked behind a peeled (and strangely), and duck walk behind it and not let go, accompanied her to a "cult" I attended for 12 years. I went with her to the church, first by pantallero "caring mine and second by novelero because there was some curiosity to see how visage was not it, because I never had to go to any pod" those of Christians "as I mentioned in that moment.
Today, after several months I still remember how to be there sitting as a tourist in chairs that place like an airport, heard the first verse of the pastor of that church and zuáquete! It was just what I needed to understand, to land, open your eyes and soften the heart. I felt like God spoke in front of me at that moment and only me, no paraphernalia, no middlemen, no witnesses. I heard it and immediately knew I could not pass unnoticed that, and I'd remember forever.
"As the dog returns to its vomit, so a fool repeats his folly" was enough ... I did not put the book carefully to verse or anything, just knew they were words of God to me, exactly when I needed to hear. Because my life was spent in coming and going about my inane same steps on the same erratic and unfortunate decision on the same scenes useless rumbas, drinks, people (again, they were not them, it was me), who helped deepen the cracks in my heart and harden the walls.
From there to this day I have been finding more and more reasons to seek God and know that I can speak always as straightforward as the first day. And I know I owe many things in my life since I became aware of all his goodness, until I saw all his power to draw with mercy.
And now as what I can say is I think the first thing in the morning and the last thing I get for l
to head in the evening ... (And do not imagine it was before ) ... Anyway I just think about him, and I can be agreeable, obedient through faith and knowledge of his word.
Now I have certainly not buddies, but I have friends: the Father, perfect me, I said, gives me strength and set me, Jesus, the son, who saved me and has the character that we search, the Holy Spirit fills me up to go, me to fill in the new way and the Word is without doubt my best company every morning, noon and night.
Besides all the good people and wealthy lady who has always been by my side and know they are my friends (and although at first they thought I was crazy) and they are happy for everything that happens to me, the of Crusade, Alpha and Omega and finally, all the children of God. The peace of mind with which story to follow every day, confident that nothing can separate us from the love of God, is without doubt the greatest revelation I have found in my life, but not the last nor the best. That's for sure. And anything we see in the nations.