In the last symposium Intended to forget the violent male model. Corsi came to Tucumán in May (08) to speak on violence, child abuse and justice. When it came to Tucuman and was being investigated.
De sober dark suit, blue shirt and no tie, the psychologist Jorge Corsi Tucumán last visited May 5 (2008). Invited by the Centre for Women and Social Development Minister, accompanied by English Consuelo Gómez April (Committee on Abuse of Women) and Elvira Corts (Member of that country) gave his talks in the framework of the Days Awareness Training and law enforcement officials in the Treatment of Gender Violence. The conference room of a downtown hotel was crowded.
"We live in a culture that gives greater value to the violent to solve problems. We do not talk only of physical violence, violence is any way someone uses force to impose its criteria. Among adults should be revised our message to the kids, "he said on that occasion.
The symposium, which lasted two days, Corsi also stressed the importance of male model men forget their ancestors. "Before, men used violence in the area of \u200b\u200bthe house and were covered by the silence, now they are reacting to anger, because they considered it almost a law that allowed them to do and undo at will, is questioned, even government agencies are acting and Justice itself, "he said firmly.
also pointed out that there was a promising development that the institutions have begun to react and see violence as a social problem. "It affects the health of people-sometimes life-threatening," undermines the security and hamper the workplace, because it causes a drop in absenteeism and worker performance. Institutions need to catch up to discuss how to handle this problem and how to seek solutions, "he said on the subject.
Specialist also put into question the lack of debate about whether the family is the best place to rehabilitate an abused child. "It was always said that the family is the basic unit of society, but it is a generalization. You really have to see what the families actually comply with this requirement on that basis and take appropriate decisions, "he said.
"Sometimes the justice system acts as if the violence was a family problem, when it is a scourge that threatens the lives of people. The delay in having an injunction has been, many times, the death of women and children. You have to see how justice is treating these complaints, and how quickly taken precautionary measures of protection, "he said in his talks.
When the psychologist emeritus his statements, the investigation of Judge Maria Pombo Fontbona already had under suspicion by the case of pedophilia.