Thursday, March 31, 2011

Wrapping Paper Storage Stand Up

mental restrictions. Cases of Inspector

Al warmth of the past highly topical events (the distribution of jugs in the mentirucas Tripolitania on haggling with the guys in berets and pump) is usually applied to l Zapaterato, and by extension to some exquisite left makes the wave distributed biscuits and comb the eyebrows, the maximum Marxist (Julius, not Carlos) "These are my principles. If you do not like I have others " Big mistake. The scheme has a very solid ethical and moral foundations acquired in the most renowned pre-university assemblies, in the inexhaustible source of ideological case of Miss Pepis , autobiography Sitting Bull Supertamp and music and thus, the ratio of their swings and fibs of tombolero speaker must have another explanation.

We bet because the strict application of the principle of hierarchy and a disciplined use of mental restriction, justify successfully conduct global shoemaker.

Regarding the former, if we consider that at the height of zapateriano legal corpus lies the funnel Act, we do not need further explanation. Regarding the restriction mint l, ie the act of amphibology and commentators that St. Thomas the sixteenth century and later ... casuists Humm!, Maybe you should leave out the Thomas the and causagaitas and use a simple example to understand what it is.

Imagine a English teenager from prehistory (Ie, in the forties and fifties of last century) who studies at a college of priests, he has to go through the confessional. Our protagonist just saw Gilda in Cinema and is still frantic by the sight of the dashing blades stunning celluloid while that of purrs put the blame on Papes, boy. Don Aniceto, the priest first asked about trivial matters and has no problem zangolotino confess venial peccadilloes, but as the ball Ramirez has ratted on their tour film, the Mosen then asks about libidinous thoughts, and other matters the crotch , to end with a cold " and you've played? ..." That's when our hero mental restriction applies: the priest asks me if I have touched me ... who has done peep-hand movements has been the nanny of the sixth left, in exchange for a pack of Chesterfield and a nylon pantyhose ... ergo ... I can answer it to the priest, in strict answer to your question, without missing an iota of truth and without committing mortal sin, which I have not touched.

For this refined technique is that has pursued with great critical and commercial success the creature formerly known as ZP and acolytes to release truffles the size of rhinos but they move a muscle. Mental straw, final.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

120-55 Queens Boulevard Criminal Court

Pomeroy. Anthropology

The Inspector Valdemar Pomeroy was a conscientious type. Do not get to direct the affairs brigade operational covachueleros ukulele playing and watching grass grow.

For two hours on four legs crossed the floor of the office, scanned and slipped drawers over cabinets, collecting hair, rusty paper clips, post it crumpled balls of fluff, and pencil shavings various other clerical activity remains that, with care, kept in plastic bags equipped with zip closure.

Now, sitting behind the desk, watched spellbound the skimming of a fly, suddenly exclaimed:

˗ Rosendo, falling all soplagaitas of ... what he said now called this business?

˗ Common Service Management Procedure ˗ said Rosendo agent faced boredom and making the gesture of shaking a cowbell.

The group of officials will ball up against a corner of the room like a rugby team ready to form a scrum, silent, glancing gesture of horror and the Secretary-Director of SCOP. This was and sprawled face down on the peach-colored carpet that covered the floor of the office part.

˗ Well! Pomeroy said the inspector ˗ glares ˗ the pen pushers who have been ready to find the deli?

The phalanx was caked civil service even further against the wall leaving no man's land manager Bermúdez.

˗ Begin giving tongue ˗ friend ordered the inspector.

˗ Well, look you, I prepared this morning to arrange an assessment record the old account and marking ad quem, when I attacked a doubt, "the assessment is done first and then staked or first and then staked apportionment? Or both simultaneously? Bermudez said ˗ cornet voice of command and continued ˗ so I came to the office to ask for advice to Mr. Secretary, the cornerstone of this service, was lying on the carpet, but it was a bit ...
˗ "It was ?, by telling ˗ was interrupted while Pomeroy hit a jump on the desk ˗ Do you know something I do not know? Are you sure that your questions did not relate to probate proceedings litisconsorcial stumbled tract?

˗ Man! Is that now I am seeing this body!, But at the time I assumed that he had entered a soporcillo and was taking a nap ˗ quickly answered ˗ statutory Trying not to make noise to disturb not see the example of " quick guide to cenutrios processing" stored in your desk drawer, under the cigar box, and solved my doubts of a procedural nature I prepared to return to my job.

˗ And you did not notice anything unusual?

˗ A principle no. But when I saw that did not react, kicking him after ten minutes the kidneys, and that part of their brains were hanging from the rack, I began to suspect that something was wrong ˗ Bermúdez concluded with a sigh.

˗ blunderbuss "And the next to the corpse?

˗ Ah, that ˗ responded with a surprise gesture of looking in the direction of the dead ˗ thought it was a saxophone.

The Inspector leaned back in his chair tilting seat back and crossing his feet on the desk, while lit a fat cigar and muttered between his teeth

˗ Rosendo, my boy, put the shackles on this Bandarra.

After hitting a good couple of puffs his cigar continued:

˗ Actually, this bird is not the manager Bermudez, called Peláez and processing authority. Bermúdez authentic fossilized appeared a couple of months in the tank pieces of evidence of a Court of Albacete, in a cardboard box with fake Nike socks. All began about five years ago, when Peláez and Bermudez agreed on the Provincial Court of Burgos, Pelaez back then was known as the Riveter and was involved in all scrubbed: traffic resources, prosecutors extortion, illegal gambling dens with provision of funds, fraudulent bankruptcies ... the entire catalog, go. What happened Riveter? With all that stuff in the new judicial office panicked you? ...

"He assumed that the expungement of the proceedings would reveal the cake ... so it was time for a change. It was a coincidence that poor Bermúdez, troubled by the pair of deer antlers centenarian who had placed their woman not long ago, participated in the last transfer selection. Peláez decided to take his place. The stabbing sent a staple of fat between the eyes and hid the body in a box of socks crappy surgery , somehow managed to get the Court refrain from taking the case to Albacete ... and beyond that was the case with the late Bermúdez socks gift. With what did not when he came to this office was that the deceased judicial secretary and Bermudez Palomeque know: both were fanatical followers of the saga the Wars and had agreed a lot of times these freaks conferences are organized ˗ interrupting his explanation pointed to a framed photograph hanging on a wall ˗ the guy on the right is Secretary Palomeque dress Obi Wan Kenobi and the manager left a costume Bermúdez Chewaka ...

"Palomeque Peláez decided to squeeze like a lemon rather than reveal the fraud, why they believe that the alleged Vds. Bermudez is the first to arrive at the office and last to leave? is not it amazing that no one moscoso enjoyed over the past year? who buys sheets of his own pocket when they are finished? citizens who care for pain in the ass? who always takes care of filling the jug? .. . I was secretary fucked by cataplines, Riveter trigger !!... But that was not planed Palomeque the blackmail that was the subject: The spark was the new assistant Dean, that bomb minifaldera by the name of Miss Florinda , and that they had sucked the brains of both. When early Wednesday saw the clerk taking the pencil tip to Miss Florinda Tarumba turned by jealousy and gave him low on the ladder putting a clip poisoned by the ear, then, to mislead, hit a blunderbuss in ...

At that time the deceased secretary Palomeque is shaking up the carpet lint pants and faced the inspector.

˗ But drivel are you saying! Bermúdez manager is a model officer, honor and glory of this service, honesty personified! What happens is that this new office of the judiciary is a canard, and I said to hell with everything! ... and I flew the top of his head. And what nonsense is that of the Star Wars? Where to put Strak Trek to remove that crap ... by the way, do you have something right ... Miss Florinda is like cheese.

And after saying this, she turned to knock on the peach carpet.

˗ From the beginning I suspected that the secretary Palomeque was the murderer! ˗ triumphantly exclaimed the Inspector ˗ knew it was a proud and giving a bit of spool end up confessing ... and so it proved. Another great success of Valdemar inspector Pomeroy! ... Rosendo, left free to Peláez ... Bermudez say ... or as is called gaznápiro this; stop and instruct the body of their rights and then takes it to court Guard ... is still called that? ... as the above, head to the duty court to undergo a trial will ipso facto of those ... they stiffen.


Saturday, March 19, 2011

Diverticulitis And Pain In Legs

civil service and EREs. Duel in INEM OK

The mode of action of the different types of officials has aroused enormous interest in the thinkers since the time of Maricastaña. It is particularly puzzling ability of some creatures to develop complex tasks functionary: stapled pages, to stamp, humming a song, complete with ink pads, folios desgrapar previously stapled or sharpening pencils, all in the right time and with little or no prior training.
Such behaviors have been studied from two quite different perspectives, in fact almost opposite in their approaches, which are presented below: either the staff learn what they do (behavioral approach ) or instinctively know how (ethological approach.)

I purchased: the behaviorists.

The most radical supporters of this movement argued that conduct of officials, including take pens home or compulsively buy vegetables during office hours, is learned, also believed that officials at the time of taking possession midbrain are softened, allowing chance and write about his experiences messages.

late nineteenth century, physiologist beluchistaní Michael discovered classical conditioning while studying digestive processes cafelito mid morning. Officials found that automatically salivate at the smell of a cup of roasted and even fainted at a frothy cappuccino, giving an unconditioned response to an unconditioned stimulus, to use his terminology. If the tuna sounded Clavelitos playing at the time of showing the aromatic cup, officials slowly began to associate that stimulus, in principle irrelevant, with the coffee. After some time, the unique sound tuna, without showing the steaming coffee to the officers, instead of running away cause everyone to leave (As would be logical) caused salivation.

The innate: ethology-

contrast, ethology argues that the civil service behavior is innate (instinctive). That is, is governed by a given programming in their genes, while present in all individuals, only active at the time of approving an opposition. Simply put, it This is a genomic imprints established during gametogenesis, as evidenced by an enzymatic process triggered.
Just as identified ducks just outside the shell the first thing that moves like his mother, the individual agrees to follow statutory status as an automaton that mark the regulations, circular, law or regulation. Whether you are smart or dunce, diligent or lazy, virtuous or ethics of a clam, only certain stimuli (eg, a mandatory license or a certified copy) you will become active, such that a hornet fat caterpillar that captures no one instructed.

And if you, patient reader, you got here, you ask yourself and this has to do with the EREs? It turns out that this behavior civil service mark gets on my nerves are the politicians who landed on the clerks and explains the proliferation of many companies public agencies, institutions, foundations and other facilities conducive to merendolas black.

If there is a Ministry of Employment with directorates, branches, sections and bureaus Why create an outside agency to manage, in this case, the records employment regulation? Because these officials are full of big heads! Oh, yes, in some cases deprogram some creature gets a kick was giving a free carguito appointment, even with irreversible effects if The phone is accompanied by corporate charge card and driver, but if you can teach a conga ant is not feasible to do so with a whole nest.

And so, giving praise to the goddess efficiency, burning incense in honor of the god of flexibility, and the nymph genuflecting immediacy, establishing the appropriate APCT (Agency Pro Colócanos to Toos). Then his head is screwed a bunch of exconsejeros, excaldes, former councilmen and former general, who as a reward for his services to the party and these, in turn, hire every brother, brother, father, son, brother in law or crony of the military to go through there. And all with one thing in common: they have no fucking idea (administratively speaking) of the business you're up to.

And admire the joy with which distributed the millions that they have to manage without esaborios officials engaged in obstructing the redistribution of wealth or bugs and auditors angel obsessed with invoices, expense provisions, documents, visas, certificates and bureaucratic trifles of all kinds.

Finally, to close the circle, always divided into portions which are cake crumbs on the plate is not it, then what's bad that the advantage of a fat gadflies? Although, of course, if the cake is cut with an ax leftover crumbs can be of considerable size ... hence the fat which are the Moscone.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Infection And Red And Swollen And Cut

Officer with pints of Mississippi gambler, toothpick in hand, thermos of coffee on the desk, nail ... parody a duel of the Far West civil servant in a short .

Indeed, judging by the ongoing dialogue, you should try an office of the Social Security Treasury ( self discharge from ). And the thing is taken care of: Look at the computer screen. Is it not, indeed, the logo of Social Security? There may even mentioned forms.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Sample From Baby Baby Baby By Tlc


We are honored judicial officials on a daily romp en una de las más recientes atrocidades urbanísticas perpetradas en Ávila: El edificio de los Juzgados de la C/Vallespín.

     Hasta el cenutrio más insensible se daba cuenta al contemplar la ciudad desde el mirador de “los cuatro postes” que aquella mole grisácea debía de haber sido arrojada allí por algún gigante legendario y bromista, o puede que por una nave del espacio exterior pilotada por extraterrestres gamberros.

     Pues bien, descartado el use of dynamite, seems to have decided to do something to remedy as far as possible the visual slap legal tome.

What are you doing? Then dividing the mess in front shapes and painting them in different shades. Once the scaffolding is removed we can judge, while giving the impression that the invention works and some have improved the situation.
Now, the metal roof is still a crime against humanity.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Foley Catheter Buy Without Prescription

First was that lowering the speed limit will save a lot of fuel, then, to the universal pitorreo generalized output whirlwind of ministers (each for their hand, missing more) pointing plans to avoid energy catastrophe. And finally the Council of Ministers approves a paquetón of various measures, some reasonable, others of dubious effect and a few just stupid. But it was too late and the joke has been monumental.

And that seems the most symptomatic of the state government. No one gets angry, nobody is surprised, no one takes seriously anything they say. Everyone, in short, Descojonado of their occurrences. And of course, onomatopoeia Fredy Rubalcaba ( Brrrrr, it engine) and the minister of industry, educational plan and if we still had doubts about the concept they have the mental capacity of citizens, explaining that the barrels of oil we're going to save "lined up to come here to Beijing" , the end to fix.

Anyway, maybe it's time to start thinking to recover those old gasifiers that were used during the war. What is a gas generator? Well, it is more fine call it a generator fueled by biomass.

To avoid getting lost in technicalities, imagine a large jug or a field kitchen suitably adapted to gasify things, it attaches to your car (if there is no place to put it, you take it on a trailer small). than it is to burn into the jug or kitchen everything you can think and get a gaseous fuel powering an internal combustion engine.

So instead of going to the gas station to refuel, you stand in front of a container of paper or trash ... everything for inside!, Including banana peels, as in the Delorian of Back to the Future. is also advisable to take an ax and give power and a good use of those oaks white beans that are usually transplanted into the roundabouts.

Now, yes, gossip has drawbacks. So what we had Wenceslao Fernandez Flores in 1942:

Seizing the permit The director of this magazine gives us to praise our citizens and industries of our fellow citizens, I have a gas generator propaganda deserved "Stromboli" and pay at the same time, a debt of gratitude.

In any case, the gas generator invented by my friend Domínguez not like anyone, he is called "Stromboli", and there is another one that bears the name of the beautiful volcano of Lipari.

For I was, has a few months, invited to an unforgettable trip in a car is not what brand powered by the diabolical Domínguez building.

A hot summer afternoon got into the car, ready to attend the final test. We were: Domínguez, who had the wheel, Mr. Rives, his wife, me and an assistant to the inventor, who was a subject lean, quiet, huge paws, which had been fireman sea. Before entering the car, Mr. Rives asked if the trip special interest offered some risk, because his wife was on tape and could hurt any feelings. Upon hearing such questions, Dominguez broke into a laugh of good omen and ended up saying very strongly that if Medical science was not quite late, I would advise the ladies to spend periods of gestation in cars powered by gas generators.

the fireman in this maritime finished filling the furnace with a fuel that, seen up close looked like chocolate, and went to Madrid.

While driving, Dominguez gave us a welcome and surprising news that their gas generator was also used to pasteurize milk and carrying two liters for a demonstration. Congratulations while enjugábamos sweat running down our faces, because the temperature had increased. This phenomenon was enhanced to exceed the number of thermometric degrees that can withstand a Bedouin in the desert to boil and, in parallel, there were some events to which attaches no importance at the moment, so the buttons on the jackets are made malleable and Mr. Rives nose curl. That was when the sea began to show signs of being to your liking and came to hum a barcalora.

In addressing a sharp uphill first heard the tremendous roar from the engine fired, and that was to cause such an impression on all living things a league round. A bomber will not resonate so tragically. Blows, coughs diabolical giant gnashing of teeth, coughing, explosions, whistles, crashes against iron irons ... if I have to express a rough comparison I have to appeal to the sounds of a haunted house in combination with the sounds that the real " Stromboli "may occur in one of his most angry eruptions.

yet would not go down badly if the car crept black smoke and rough that we could not breathe and we kept in infernal whirlwinds. The landscape was cleared, and dipped in bitumen, and soon we could see the long arms and large hands of the fireman, who seemed to dance anything, chattering his fingers, raging full of nostalgia around it.

The white houses we found on the banks of the road were left after spending, caramel color. That smoke must have toxic effects, because Mr. Rives began to scream, saying that he was a squid and I was very happy to travel within their ink, and I harassed the lady urging him to tell me the name of a saint there was black, very reputable, because I wanted to entrust to him and could not remember.

flames suddenly emerged. The car was burning. We were jumping, charred on the road. The marine fireman shouted from his seat: "Fire in the bunkers!" And then he threw the road and waving her arms as if swam, reached the foot of a tree, took off her clothes and spread to that dry, so I deduced that his reason wavered to the point of believing in a shipwreck.

As Mrs. Rives, also breathing heavily by the damn smoke, had shortly after a black child.

All physicians I said so.

Friday, March 4, 2011

Swot Analysis For New Salon

Sheet Parish Government gasifier NOJ (III)

"Virgin, Virgin ... it looks like I'm"

Indeed, with respect to latazo involved applying the labels to the identification code certificate (referred to in the report), there is a very easy way to fix it. In some courts use it Ávila. Click here to know.