Corsi Intolerance of Tolerance
Thinking in those who speak much for human rights and against oppression - although they can not practice what they demand. The very ones who tear their garments to show what they really are (intolerant and violent) when they shared their ideas.
Of Intolerance Tolerance
Shikry Gama, Lorena, August 26, 1986
1 .- When humans have the defect of "look at the straw in the eyes of others .." are usually perfectionists imperfect as those who can not tolerate the behavior of their peers . Intolerance is the inability to tolerate certain people that is not to your liking, and often becomes a habit of hate and reject the attitudes of those that are not compatible with their way of being.
1.1 .- Intolerance is permissible only in the duties of the judiciary, the police force and the ethical and moral codes that are intended to prevent, correct and punish the crimes of human behavior.
2 .- No man, no civil or religious organization, even those states, too sovereign to be entitled to intolerance. Only detestable tyranny trampled the Universal Rights of Human coerced freedom of will and determination of citizens to believe whatever they want, and be like want to be.
2.1 .- Separating the repressive actions against those acting in violation of the rights of others, no human attitude is intolerable intolerance.
2.1.1 .- Intolerance is like a virus that eats away human relations, and it's like a vicious slander that causes conflicts in the political and religious coexistence of peoples.
3 .- Everyone has the right to dissent and ideological discrepancy, without more duties than the decorum and civility toward those who think differently.
3.1 .- When any tyrannical government violates Human Rights, citizens have the right to the insurgency to restore the people's democratic rights. 4 .-
intolerance reflected in stupid and foolish statements like: "If you're not with me are against me" "All or Nothing," "Outside the church no salvation", "If you do not believe my God you're an atheist infidel, "" If you're not with Jesus with the devil, "" The state is me "" If I lose democratic elections, opposition will not let me rule which won "" I am a democrat as long as the others go along with my ideas, "" Those who have a contrary to the spirit of our dangerous enemies, "" I do whatever you want as long as you do what I want "and other slogans with many treacherous that the Great Deceiver has polluted the mind and the spirit of those gullible and ignorant hardliners who have not understood that even God himself threatens the freedom of the will that moves our souls.
4.1 .- The rights of every individual ends where the rights of their fellowmen. State's rights ends where the rights of citizens.
5 .- The tolerance is the ability to respect, understanding and consideration of the views, practices and beliefs of those who are different and contrary to their ways of being.
5.1 .- Nature is such a sublime master of tolerance of some forms of life compared to the others. True, there is a constant struggle of opposites, but they never removed the existence of their opponents, but who live and survive competition with their opponents in a constant quest for survival.
5.2 .- In some ways, in an effort to improve and refine the behavior of humans have become crusades of salvation, assaulting and trying to eliminate prejudices who believe they have different customs from ours.
5.3 .- We are all imperfect beings. We all have flaws and make mistakes. We characterize the other because some want to become perfect and we are different from those that are satisfied with imperfection. But this desire for perfection to be exercised with respect and tolerance of freedom of all those who want to be like want to be. We can be intolerant to ourselves, but not for others.
5.4 .- Tolerance is an important quality to learn to live with those around us, learning to discern the diversity of the human nature of all things of nature. To be fair and impartial, because everything in life, from the factors of physics, chemistry and psychology, tolerance is the factor that brings the existence with their opponents.
6 .- Science found that those rigid materials that lack elasticity and flexibility not stand the tension and break easily.
6.1 .- Human relationships are similar to the behavior of material elements. There is evidence that a relationship is stronger, the more flexible and elastic. Rigidity is not strength. Only the elasticity and flexibility determine the strength and grace of human beings.
6.2 .- The human being can only withstand the challenges of life with tolerant attitudes that enable them to overcome the trials and tribulations, no breach of the spirit, giving and reestablished the tensions can be overcome external and internal resistance, to make tolerance of its strongest willed.
6.3 .- To tolerate is to adjust to the diversity of human nature. Is to live harmoniously with our fellow men despite the multiplicity of their beliefs and character. Is to understand and love God embodied in every living being. You respect the free will of every human being without distinction as to their race, religious and political beliefs or social or economic conditions.
6.3.1 .- Tolerance implies no collusion or complicity with those who are at odds with moral customs, ethics and morality. We must eradicate the evil of our customs and habits of prejudice censor those who are like us, with the same mistakes and overcoming the anxiety of social and spiritual.
Brethren, meditate on intolerance, because many of our troubles, our problems and our conflicts are the result of this nefarious unthinking attitude that governs feelings and actions of those who have not yet learned to be