Saturday, July 11, 2009

How Long Do Germs Live In Chapstick

hidden Cooptation

The cooptation is a collegiate body integration, whereby new members are elected to include members who are already employed. It also covers the case where members of a collegial body elected to fill one of them command a higher court. The formal procedures of co-optation are rejected for democracy, because they lend themselves for easy maintenance in office of the ruling class apart from the will of the bases, but she survives a cooptation often hidden, when the leaders take advantage Acting the power of their office to influence decisive in the choice of candidates, but then formally comply with the rules laid down for such appointments. Hidden co-optation is a clear indication of the leadership team oligarchization organizations.

coopted. Transitive verb. Capture the approval of someone, usually for political purposes, using misdeeds can not be considered illegal.

Some linguists think it should be said to capture and collection, because they perceive the meanings and cooptation coopted neologisms are the result of contamination of the historical meanings of these two last words (co-option = "Fill vacancies that occur within a corporation by a vote of the members of it ") with those.

" * system * was nicknamed old cooptation of nepotism, but now [...] is called confidence. The head is surrounded by people you trust, thus constituting the core for a bully on behalf of the supreme leader has put them there and from there you can leave. "Le Monde Diplomatique

. Ed. Southern Cone. No. 16 , oct. 2000.


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