But how nice it is MEMOLANE , a tool that lets you see in TL (ay not suck, which sucked TL sounds, I remember when everything was nice and there was neither feisbulk tweet, nor was a fan of paraphilias) all digital activity you have posted for now is in BETA but you can make a request for an invitation and unlike suckers FFFFOUND! these you need not answer any of your friends hipsters feel sorry and send you an invitation. Goodbye
Thursday, December 23, 2010
Cellular Respiration Reptile Mammal
I remember
But how nice it is MEMOLANE , a tool that lets you see in TL (ay not suck, which sucked TL sounds, I remember when everything was nice and there was neither feisbulk tweet, nor was a fan of paraphilias) all digital activity you have posted for now is in BETA but you can make a request for an invitation and unlike suckers FFFFOUND! these you need not answer any of your friends hipsters feel sorry and send you an invitation. Goodbye
But how nice it is MEMOLANE , a tool that lets you see in TL (ay not suck, which sucked TL sounds, I remember when everything was nice and there was neither feisbulk tweet, nor was a fan of paraphilias) all digital activity you have posted for now is in BETA but you can make a request for an invitation and unlike suckers FFFFOUND! these you need not answer any of your friends hipsters feel sorry and send you an invitation. Goodbye
Thursday, December 16, 2010
Yellow Sparkle Jelly Bands Mean
The highway
"We are literally PORTERS help. All day we are here to there with carts fetching and carrying less day trial we give a shit script manuscript (now do some interim periods of time are placed to do this) without knowing whether the defendant is in jail, if we videoconfencias, contact numbers, etc. "
At first Aunt barrel model practices cart housewife-will-you-buy-to-market-of-supplies had insisted on keeping track of time, although the interim distribution wheelbarrow and gave him the same. Anyone could look at his watch but it was as if that time attached to the wrist measured otherwise, was the time of those who have not made the stupidity of wanting to access SCOP down the hall to the north and, barely out of UPAD have had to get to the step, stop, six rows on each side, three meters forward, stop, throw a pass at the hottie in the SCAC to the right, the girl in the picture housewife left, ironically envy babosona happiness in marriage for Foreclosure Service (behind housewife picture of Aunt barrel) that make eyes and pinch, or suffer ; at times exasperated overflows chavalotes of the two grocery carts tuned preceding the delivery wheelbarrow, and even come to our offices and explore without leaving much (because you never know when those will resume later should be up and running so that those behind the war did not start the insults and throwing staplers).
sometimes came a hot assistant, someone who slipped between the cars coming from the Across the corridor or the deposit of material evidence, and he brought some news probably false repeated Car by car over heated feet. The party girl was enjoying the success of its developments, officials hurried to comment on what happened, but after a while he heard a taco or the squeak of the wheels, and the guy ran out, he was seen weaving between the cars to reinstate yours and not be exposed to the just anger of others. During the morning had known and the crash of a shopping carrier bags against a magistrate judge near the courtrooms, with the result of three summaries be stripped and bruised calf, the double shock of a chair Swivel wheels cargadito domain records against fat Service Agenda signs that had crushed a caravan of vintage baby hood full of records of demarcation of boundaries, overturning a model Carraro packed full of IKEA from Registration Section and distribution. The acting was sure that everything or almost everything was false, but something serious must have occurred near the elevator and even near the coffee vending machine for the flow of cases had been stalled at that point.
At some point, tired of inaction, the interim it was decided to exploit a particularly high for endless loop through the rows of the left, leaving behind her cart housewife, had been found disabled illa s chock full of mortgage procedures, another hypermarket cart, a wooden crate a handyman who had added the wheels of a tricycle, and had stopped next to a taca-taca overflowing probate records holographic wills to exchange views with veteran assistant Dean would not stop drinking from a jug.
Climbing on truck records supermarket, one of the youngsters had the impression that the end of the hall had changed and that the unthinkable was happening to twenty meters, fifteen meters, five. He shouted at the interim and the interim he said something to Aunt Molly cart, which quickly took hold when the Carraro chap in the IKEA came running from the truck and grocery the zangolotino pointed forward and endlessly repeating the ad as a union sending faxes. Now the picture housewife, that of IKEA, that of supermarket and distribution wheelbarrow began to move and stretching his left arm sought interim hand cart housewife, touched only the tip of fingers, he saw in his face a smile of disbelief and thought it would hope to get to the SCOP and that would go together anywhere on official business, home or her to bathe, eating, bathing endlessly, and then would take a cafetazo with truncheons SCOP was a toilet and two sheets and three Moscoso, and scissors and retake another cafetazo with clubs, love, and bathing.
was natural that the acceleration rows no longer be maintained parallel. cart housewife had advanced nearly a meter and the interim distribution wheelbarrow see his neck and only your driver profile, just as she turned to face him and made a gesture of surprise that the wheelbarrow is further delayed. With a reassuring smile Acting accelerated sharply, but almost immediately had to stop because he was about to touch the supermarket cart tuned, bastard called and the boy supermarket trolley looked back and made him a comb in your right hand, pointing to the left an ice cream cart glued to his side. A green patch on the right disconcerted the interim distribution wheelbarrow, instead of the IKEA carretazo or wooden crate with wheels tricycle saw a car that you used sweepers l unknown, and almost immediately the car customized basuril stepped dropping lots of Warrants followed by a stand with wheels photocopier on which swayed old bundles tied with rope and a box refrigerator packaging supported by a couple of skateboards. The cars were running, ahead or losing ground to the pace of their rank, and sides of the aisles were fleeing the offices, a staff member from the table eating a sandwich and the flashes of photocopiers.
The interim distribution wheelbarrow was still expected that the advance and retreat of rows allowed the car to reach again housewife, but every moment I was convinced that it was useless, that the group had dissolved irrevocably. And it ran without already knowing exactly why so much trouble, why the race between unknown cars where no one knew anything about the others, where everyone stared forward, only forward.
(shamelessly ripped off the story South Highway Julio Cortazar )
Monday, November 15, 2010
How To Remove Rust From Bathroom Fixtures
NOJ Kale for a day: Marcelino Iglesias (nobility baturra). Public
.. . ruling on the historic responsibility of our country with the Sahara has said that Spain was there "to the 70" and specified more than ensuring that it was " in 73 or 74 "
The brand-new plumbing and tile Secretary of the PSOE, which the creature formerly known as ZP urbi et orbi presented as the great titan communication, the champion of the verb flowery patriotic Hicks explained to the great achievements of the regime bowlegged, has been at the first change as a chump.
Marcelino, Cicero, who "Green March " was in November 1975.
Well, we admit that in those years were you too busy pulling the gray cobblestones or both Marcuse read and listen to Atahualpa Yupanqui lost his senses, but, man of God !, that newspapers are one week published any data on the subject.
Anyway, you have a good uploaded to the tree (or is in an oak?)
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Bromothymol Blue On Fish
- Col. Jessep! Did you order the code red?
"I did the work that I took ...
- Did you order the code red?
- Of course I did! ... FUCK!
"I did the work that I took ...
- Did you order the code red?
- Of course I did! ... FUCK!
not call me son. I am an attorney and an officer of the United States and you are arrested, the son of a bitch.
not call me son. I am an attorney and an officer of the United States and you are arrested, the son of a bitch.
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
Bad Taste In Mouth After Wisdom Teeth Removal
Code Red, the newspaper that comes out on Wednesday. Crisis
... Are our imaginations or the holder is second readings? Ah! these guys left the exquisite ...
In its online edition, the newspaper Publico addresses the news of King's trip to the Persian Gulf and ...
... Are our imaginations or the holder is second readings? Ah! these guys left the exquisite ...
Sunday, October 31, 2010
Legal Places To Ride Dirt Bikes In Nj
fat in Castilla ... in 1599.
Lord, I thought that my job requires me and satisfies my conscience removes the cowardice that is just I have to write a VM
has been pleased God to punish the city of León and land with three terrible instruments of punishment, which has been in this a 99 year very high fever disease has been of great confusion to see that in a single day many houses have been left alone and take time to bury parents and children and servants, fleeing parents of the children, leaving as orphans are very large quantities and widows, and uncut land, and cattle paciéndolas without knowing the few neighbors who have fallen are those which stray cattle.
The second punishment that until now has run over six to eight years now has been very great sterility of the fruits of the earth, in great need of bread, sold to great famine, no bill or fee and can be saved, especially in years 97 and 98, up from 99 above all from this harvest, hunger was so great that very large numbers of people died della.
The third persequición that this city has had 10 to 12 years now and currently have a great extreme, has been lack of justice, being so little jealous of good governance and public good of the poor and justice has been and is the cause of the poor and rich finishes are very close to being poor, that last provision was made here by Don Alonso Cornejo waiter and poor and inexperienced, who died there will be eight or nine months. Brought by a licensed Lieutenant Antonio Maldonado and three constables, I think for certain things that have never come worst ministers of justice to do so great thefts and bad treatment to bring the farms and the poor farmers as they did the time the mayor lived, for whose death the said lieutenant makes this the office of magistrate by way of poor laborer, marking and counting the days to increase their pay and resources.
Councilman Don Pedro Castanon de Villafañe. August 25 1599.
(The Lawyers Lawyers Castellanos under Philip III. Pelorson JM )
Sunday, October 24, 2010
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Places To Eat In Nj To Celebrate Birthday
rises from a nap, brush the government and replaced by an election committee.
Much political analysis, much review path of the new parachute, much blah, blah, blah, when the issue is very simple. Moreover, what explained the very Creature Formerly known as ZP (CACCZP); here than it is to sell CrecePelo, ergo, has chosen the best talkers of the hair world. The good management no longer a controversial and debatable issue.
Much political analysis, much review path of the new parachute, much blah, blah, blah, when the issue is very simple. Moreover, what explained the very Creature Formerly known as ZP (CACCZP); here than it is to sell CrecePelo, ergo, has chosen the best talkers of the hair world. The good management no longer a controversial and debatable issue.
Anyway, the show of the ministerial crisis has caused a side effect that seems interesting to analyze. Spend and see.
First, has meant that news reports have less time to devote to the sport and, praise be to the Most High, for a day has not appeared on the giving Mourinho a press conference or other celebrity interstellar the blow from a ball trying to string together a few sentences with some consistency. Has already formed an association to collect signatures and propose a bill requiring the government to formalize a crisis every week or at least every two weeks.
Secondly allowed us to update our knowledge of the moth-eaten structure of the Central Administration . Does anyone know which years ago had ceased to exist on Ministry of Public Administration? Jo, yes, here we were still thinking that the minister of civil service thing was Jordi Sevilla! (Yes, the gentleman who told CACCZP to be applied a couple of evenings, you might choose the Nobel Prize in Economics). As it happens, no! The behemoth that parachute be that years ago was renamed the Territorial Policy , but losing authority over the civil . And then, the powers of the pen pushers what the Department had undertaken? For the Ministry of the Presidency. And now? Then back again to the Planning Policy . a mess must have staff with letterheads and seals!
In summary, our new superjefe is D. Manolo Chaves ( Meridionalis Ship Testa), who was bored as a sea cucumber in office and has spent CACCZP give something for you to enjoy. Well, maybe it makes us extremely happy, do not forget that if another famous Manolo ( on the calf Meyba ) stated that "the State will be in the head" , to this whole piece will enter the UN ... the UN nay!, The Galactic Empire!, and still have room to put a spa .
who seems to have caught the moment the spirit is CACCZP lollipop D. Valeriano, the new Minister of tilling. The first thing has said is that "we will create jobs net baskets" and "even went to the manifestation of the general strike, he is in favor of labor reform." And, believe us, has said no to give him giggle or is moving a facial muscle. We'll see what it takes to morph into a spinach wilted, as Celestino.
parity is over! There are more ministers to ministers and this has its advantages. For example, before we lectured on a part of the anatomy of a macho member of the government (we, that we have called stubborn) and ... nothing happens! Imagine instead that dared to refer to the amount of space they occupy certain areas turgid a minister or the effect of universal gravitation on its plains and bumps ... we would have here the guards with batons and your wife do not talk in a month ... a moment! ... " a month without hab ...? Hey, were fixed on the tits and ass that is ...
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Kathryn Beich Sales Rrep
A creature formerly known as ZP is the pot goes in Ponferrada
David Gistau on Zapatero's mitinero sprawl Ponferrada:
Five Finger Death Punch Caedite Eos
nineteenth letter bombs. Advertising
When we hear of political attacks in the nineteenth century immediately comes to mind the image of a bearded guy put away pints of some children for breakfast and lighting the fuse of a bomb squad in the form of cash, or frock coat might be idiots masked behind a corner waving a musket and a pistol.
No, dear readers! Even during the decade threw firecrackers ominous hand of more sophisticated methods and Justice (so they say that has always been moth-eaten) was samples to be aware of the progress of the century. So then we show a nice example:
Assistance Sevilla.
By D. Manuel Abad. House Clerk of the Royal and Supreme Council of Castile, has informed me on 15 October, the Royal Order Next:
Hon. Sr: The Hon. Secretary of State and the Office of Grace and Justice on 15 of this month has been reported to the council, through the Hon. Mr. Dean, Governor Acting on it, the Royal Order Next:
Hon. Sr.; has come news of the King our Lord, through reliable, that the revolutionaries have conceived the plan of using infernal machines in the form of sheets to get rid of people that suits them, as they tried to do with General Eguia, and under it has served to notify SM VE send to circulate to all the authorities reporting that court order that will see the largest caution in the tender opening to avoid any disaster. Of the Royal Order I say to you for your understanding and compliance.
Published in the Supreme Court's precedent Royal Order, agreed to comply with instructed by SM it and it was communicated to the Board of Mayors of the Royal Family and Court, chancillerias and mayors of the kingdom, to the M.RR. archbishops, bishops and other prelates RR jurisdiction see nullius.
participate will result in your Excellency to order the expressed purpose, and one which would end the circle to the Justices of the people of his district, giving me notice of receipt thereof. God will keep Your Excellency many years. Madrid October 28, 1830. Hon. D. Manuel Abad. Hon. Assistant city of Seville.
What to VV transfer. for your information and compliance in her part.
God keep VV. many years. Sevilla November 20, 1830.
Signed. José Manuel Arjona.
Monday, October 18, 2010
Blowing A Babys Mouth To Clear Nose
, divine treasure. Story
The General Council of Judicial Power (CGPJ) will allocate EUR 236,000 for a corporate campaign that seeks to "bring the work of judges in society" and "motivating the public confidence in the administration of justice."
The General Council of Judicial Power (CGPJ) will allocate EUR 236,000 for a corporate campaign that seeks to "bring the work of judges in society" and "motivating the public confidence in the administration of justice."
Here we show some employees of the advertising agency contractor preparing the start of the campaign.
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Using Easycap With Wireless Cameras

Like falling leaves indicate that the fall approaches, two events mark the end of the summer holidays: Kiosks press is filled with collectibles and all the newspapers, televisions, etc.. devoted an article on it, presto! ... post-holiday syndrome. And we do a question how this issue affects a large number of judicial funcioneros ? And if so, does this Gazette is not bound by their code of ethics to try to help all those creatures potentially kooks?
Absolutely and for this We had a look at a number of articles on the subject, and although we have not found any that specifically discuss the Public Administration staff, extrapolating the data, we could say that the number of affected among the judicial funcioneros may be the around 35%, although a study sponsored by the Brewers Association Spain (not kidding) it rises to 50%. However, in the field study that we conducted this morning, we have seen in most of these faces with ideal bed, which end up in a rictus smiles and dark shadows behind his eyes away What makes us fear that the pandemic can be widespread.
Like drogotas drunkard and the first thing you have to do postvacacionero civil service is to recognize that has the bug, but what are your symptoms? We will see below.

From a physical point of view is a table consisting of sweating, tiredness, poor appetite, stomach problems, drowsiness, insomnia, nausea, tachycardia, muscle aches ... Hmm, although this could also mean that we caught a Percheron horse gripazo or clam dinner last night in poor condition. So no choice but to put these symptoms in relation to manifestations of a psychological nature.
And what are these?, as irritability, anxiety, sadness, emptiness, apathy, nervousness, poor concentration, passivity . In isolation this may make us think we know more than one professional funcionero or chronic post-holiday syndrome, but make no mistake, this is neither syndrome or bagpipes. Usually what is called in forensic psychology vagrancy or bad milk.
clarify that there is another occupational pathology usually associated with the syndrome under consideration and is known as Burn Out Syndrome (burned), which consists exhaustion problems or dissatisfaction with the work done. Caspita!, Sure that their impact on the administration of justice should be around 99%.
insist, "shows you, dear reader, the physical and psychological symptoms which we have previously described together? If the answer is yes, we fear that the syndrome reaches to the eyebrows, but do not worry, this will give you the formula to return to being the frisky funcionero that used to be.

here think it is best left to trifles and have to grab the bull by the horns and, therefore, propose a treatment shock. So, dear / a sick, what do you have to do is put in front of the mirror in the bathroom of his house and staring at her reflection do the following: Ask yourself out loud for the remaining years to retirement Twenty? Thirty-five? Forty? Then I realize that if the Goddess Fortuna does not smile with a primitive 6 figures at least, it will devote to working on this for the administration of justice for all those years, so he has no choice but to try to enjoy their work (yes, enjoy, although it sounds like heresy) and pass best, it sure has a lot of great mates.
We assure complete healing ... or have to come the firemen to break down the door of the bathroom and get dragged.
(Published before 09/2008)
(Published before 09/2008)
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Wax Legs When In Your Period
Uyyyyy Dear Lord Belano
I think I'll throw in the towel, you are a fucking
I think I'll throw in the towel, you are a fucking
Sunday, August 8, 2010
Ceiling Fan Regulators Connection
misogynist post-vacation syndrome
The new official, already known from male specimens of judicial clerks as the disturbing, and the female as The buxom, she sat bolt upright at his desk pleating edges its summer peasant dress of Tuscany, where she was headed Don Aniceto (alias The Sphinx or The Scourge of the pen pushers armchairs) stuffed into his coat to make fights.
The new official, already known from male specimens of judicial clerks as the disturbing, and the female as The buxom, she sat bolt upright at his desk pleating edges its summer peasant dress of Tuscany, where she was headed Don Aniceto (alias The Sphinx or The Scourge of the pen pushers armchairs) stuffed into his coat to make fights.
"Well Miss, I guess I know how to handle this thing. Write down what comes to mind.
The delicate fingers flew over the keypad and long fingernails painted red night-of-passion-in-Timbuktu drew watermarks in the air. Don Aniceto Leaning on the head full of loops observed, intoxicated by a cloud Midnight Narcissus perfume, the writing on the screen: "It is spring in the English Court," "I love you, stupid"
An imperceptible tremor shook the tips Don Mustache Aniceto and all the blood flow to your feet decided to emigrate to the ears.
- Superb! Miss Florinda, he cried - what a way to cherish his keys!
"If you click another thing ... I can put " jug "? Whisper The Temptress was raising her large eyes while Don Aniceto pestañazas flapped.
That subtle gesture caused the papers on the table fluttered like a flock of butterflies in season, Don Aniceto will tighten like a cork from a bottle of soda when you shake the foundations of the creaking and the Supreme Court.
"This ... ahem ... Do you think he makes a trade to work out in the legal language? His voice was squeaky and madly in love-well, here we go . "Being and agreed resolution of today's date, please find attached a pair of legs ..."
- Did you say thighs?
- Did I say thighs? ... Miss fact, you do not know the strange things we ship! Let . "... And raised the habeas great body, I look each other when their breasts look"
Extending a white handkerchief from his pocket on the floor, put his knee Don Aniceto (guess which one) about him and begged The tortured between a peal of bells.
- I love you, Florinda! Are you a so young and innocent! If you want, I'll show you the sweetest secrets of mortgage legislation Want you marry me? How heavy is your mother? Respond first to the second question.
"My mother weighs 80 kilos, but has a parrot that never stops eating pipes. And yes, I will marry you! Rodolfo.
- How Rodolfo that? My name Aniceto!
"Well, now you called Rodolfo, ea!
- Oh! Florinda ....
- Oh! Rodolfo ...
bells ringing again.
"My mother weighs 80 kilos, but has a parrot that never stops eating pipes. And yes, I will marry you! Rodolfo.
- How Rodolfo that? My name Aniceto!
"Well, now you called Rodolfo, ea!
- Oh! Florinda ....
- Oh! Rodolfo ...
bells ringing again.
( Inspired by an article in The Quail)
( Inspired by an article in The Quail)
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
Clean Outside Of Travel Trailer
NOJ Parish Road (II)
Asked if
makes a promise to St. Toribio de Mogrovejo and application disappears Minerva-NOJ your PC !
As reported by the official parrot of the Courts, the pious Ceferino Bonilla processing authority last July 15, eve of the holiday period, and distressed by the operation of the new software application Minerva-NOJ suffered a nervous breakdown. In particular he tried to throw away the PC where at that time took a detailed statement to this and the police who guarded him, all shouting I shit on the father of Minerva! appears that the event is not surprised over his teammates, who said they had several days muttering broken sentences and giving head against the desk.
Following these events, the above went to the convent of the Passive Class Mothers Officers which houses a statue of St. Toribio, patron and protector of the guild of Calles, before which made a solemn promise to kick a chunk of the Camino de Santiago. In return the man was beatified paganaza thunder to the Minerva that. To give more weight to the miraculous transaction, agreed to make the pilgrimage carrying in a bag the Summary fatter than found in the archives.
A stop on the way: Ceferino
stripping the turkey with a girl
Asked if
Pilgrim's trail was chosen for the French Way Branch Navarro, Maestrazgo Alternative Way Mozarabic or Nipple Cheese Route, said lad or that child that died! Go you on the outskirts of any city and select the first path, sidewalk or goat path found. I bet two periods and a box of cigars to the competent authority has decided that this is an ancient variant of the path of yore and noted accordingly. Also, can you imagine what must be walking on the stretch best known these days? Like being in line at the INEM, sure.
Having completed their votes runners, and after return to their jobs as the phenomenon occurred: Instead of appearing on the computer screen figure of the Roman goddess of wisdom came ... Don Pelayo! That was the first day; in successive alternated winning the battle of Covadonga Agustina de Aragón, Sancho Panza or the horse of General Espartero. Now instead of turning asshole with phases subschemes, procedures tours and other trifles of Satan, when I need to introduce a particular step in the search phrases such as "non plus ultra", "long live the fall" or "I sent my ships to combat the elements "... and bam! and I have the document you need said a jubilant Ceferino.
NOJ Bulletin, published by the Ministry through the editorial Mira-to-navel-I have , commented in its latest issue that this is a diversionary maneuver the judicial cave, which does not relinquish his opposition to the modernization of the Administration of Justice.
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
Ceiling Fan Regulators Connection Instruction
Couture. Femininity is chic!
There is no rule is complete without exception. And Laia Sánchez Couture is ours.
While the cornerstone of mundosublime is "it cheap, c'est chic "(non-charms-over-100 €), in this case we will grant it, dear, now more than ever, the statutes are to jump to the bullfighter.
Laia Sánchez met many years ago. We were lucky to match when both worked at Furla. Then I appreciated the spark that was in it. Alegre, energy and goes crazy, Laia pointed out that designing ways in rags.
lost touch for a while, when she left the company to sail over seas with his needle and thimble. Soon Anna was creating pieces for Mora. Along
he discovered his passion for fabrics and learning how things work in this fashion, Laia applied at night to create his own collection.
After designing for brands such as Burberry, Desigual, Furest, Massimo Dutti, Adolfo Dominguez, White, Bershka, Furest or Gonzalo Comella, Laia Sánchez Couture is now a reality. The designer now has his own clothing line, created by herself, specializing in evening gowns, wedding, party casual, chic soirée or simply me-what-buy-it-because-I-so-worth. As clothing, unique, different, with a very feminine style, bohemian Paris. You bring the taste, her style.
If you have an event and want it right in style, put in the hands of Laia Sánchez Couture.
After closing the design, fabric and measures, has a month to the preparation and delivery.
Prices between 300 € and 400 € depending on finishes.
Laia Sanchez / 672 034 508 / laiasanchezv@gmail.com

While the cornerstone of mundosublime is "it cheap, c'est chic "(non-charms-over-100 €), in this case we will grant it, dear, now more than ever, the statutes are to jump to the bullfighter.
Laia Sánchez met many years ago. We were lucky to match when both worked at Furla. Then I appreciated the spark that was in it. Alegre, energy and goes crazy, Laia pointed out that designing ways in rags.
lost touch for a while, when she left the company to sail over seas with his needle and thimble. Soon Anna was creating pieces for Mora. Along
he discovered his passion for fabrics and learning how things work in this fashion, Laia applied at night to create his own collection.
After designing for brands such as Burberry, Desigual, Furest, Massimo Dutti, Adolfo Dominguez, White, Bershka, Furest or Gonzalo Comella, Laia Sánchez Couture is now a reality. The designer now has his own clothing line, created by herself, specializing in evening gowns, wedding, party casual, chic soirée or simply me-what-buy-it-because-I-so-worth. As clothing, unique, different, with a very feminine style, bohemian Paris. You bring the taste, her style.

After closing the design, fabric and measures, has a month to the preparation and delivery.
Prices between 300 € and 400 € depending on finishes.
Laia Sanchez / 672 034 508 / laiasanchezv@gmail.com

Wednesday, June 16, 2010
In 200 Years What Objects Will Have Immense Value
The lost moment (for me were two years)
Sergio despair I see the imminence of a photograph, was deleted picked the right time, "he said before his eyes began to cloud and made a superhuman effort to contain the tears do not know what it is to lose something that was perfect," he lamented.
course I know, I say in a voice almost imperceptible and wiped the tears from my eyes purple.
Sergio despair I see the imminence of a photograph, was deleted picked the right time, "he said before his eyes began to cloud and made a superhuman effort to contain the tears do not know what it is to lose something that was perfect," he lamented.
course I know, I say in a voice almost imperceptible and wiped the tears from my eyes purple.
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Criteria For Cubicle Decorating
So kill time and kill time
y. ..
In this I think when you're not

and this
and this
and this
and this

and this

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