Like falling leaves indicate that the fall approaches, two events mark the end of the summer holidays: Kiosks press is filled with collectibles and all the newspapers, televisions, etc.. devoted an article on it, presto! ... post-holiday syndrome. And we do a question how this issue affects a large number of judicial funcioneros ? And if so, does this Gazette is not bound by their code of ethics to try to help all those creatures potentially kooks?
Absolutely and for this We had a look at a number of articles on the subject, and although we have not found any that specifically discuss the Public Administration staff, extrapolating the data, we could say that the number of affected among the judicial funcioneros may be the around 35%, although a study sponsored by the Brewers Association Spain (not kidding) it rises to 50%. However, in the field study that we conducted this morning, we have seen in most of these faces with ideal bed, which end up in a rictus smiles and dark shadows behind his eyes away What makes us fear that the pandemic can be widespread.
Like drogotas drunkard and the first thing you have to do postvacacionero civil service is to recognize that has the bug, but what are your symptoms? We will see below.

From a physical point of view is a table consisting of sweating, tiredness, poor appetite, stomach problems, drowsiness, insomnia, nausea, tachycardia, muscle aches ... Hmm, although this could also mean that we caught a Percheron horse gripazo or clam dinner last night in poor condition. So no choice but to put these symptoms in relation to manifestations of a psychological nature.
And what are these?, as irritability, anxiety, sadness, emptiness, apathy, nervousness, poor concentration, passivity . In isolation this may make us think we know more than one professional funcionero or chronic post-holiday syndrome, but make no mistake, this is neither syndrome or bagpipes. Usually what is called in forensic psychology vagrancy or bad milk.
clarify that there is another occupational pathology usually associated with the syndrome under consideration and is known as Burn Out Syndrome (burned), which consists exhaustion problems or dissatisfaction with the work done. Caspita!, Sure that their impact on the administration of justice should be around 99%.
insist, "shows you, dear reader, the physical and psychological symptoms which we have previously described together? If the answer is yes, we fear that the syndrome reaches to the eyebrows, but do not worry, this will give you the formula to return to being the frisky funcionero that used to be.

here think it is best left to trifles and have to grab the bull by the horns and, therefore, propose a treatment shock. So, dear / a sick, what do you have to do is put in front of the mirror in the bathroom of his house and staring at her reflection do the following: Ask yourself out loud for the remaining years to retirement Twenty? Thirty-five? Forty? Then I realize that if the Goddess Fortuna does not smile with a primitive 6 figures at least, it will devote to working on this for the administration of justice for all those years, so he has no choice but to try to enjoy their work (yes, enjoy, although it sounds like heresy) and pass best, it sure has a lot of great mates.
We assure complete healing ... or have to come the firemen to break down the door of the bathroom and get dragged.
(Published before 09/2008)
(Published before 09/2008)
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