sworn in as president. I hesitated between a brigadier hussar uniform or this, the end opts for the second to make it clear from the outset that my office was the presidency of love.
My first government ... Jo, as we passed!
The first gay wedding, which has feathers on his head and a flower in the hand is called Tiburcio and dockers.
This guy can not remember if it is a union, a savings bank advisor or an entrepreneur ... go, no! That is one of my economic advisers!
Another gay wedding!
The Alliance of Civilizations
The baby check.
sustainable economy. Sebastian told me that from Móstoles Albacete did not spend a single liter of gasoline. Just a couple of sandwiches and a beer for beer. Long live progress!
Equality Act. A brigade instructor teaches a sexist patriarchy recalcitrant to be a man as God intended.
peace process. I see on the back of the photo that this negotiator aizkolari of the band was called the T-4 . I suppose it's for the character of the Terminator movie that's , right?
This Chacón!, In this manner intended to review the troops. When I finally got to wear a tuxedo.
Another piece of peace.
Ana Belén singing there is, there is, the primary brow ...
economic crisis metamorphose into aupa. tried to cook jumilla with the Merckel for me to buy government debt.
Takes salary containment officials! Of course, the cut should be made just five inches below the nut.
The pensionazo. Hmm ... I feel that this venerable old man did not we vote in the upcoming elections.
labor reform. You get comfortable workers in packs and vacuum packed
Joppa with Celestino! As began when we reached more than 4,000,000 unemployed! A point was to cause an accident, the very parallel.
Sonsoles! ... Who the fuck has put in my album Aznar a photo?
The little girl before becoming a funeral: Calling Rajoy jerk on the phone. That rich!
Alfredo De Saint incognito Tropez.

Hosts Turned to markets.
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