Sunday, April 17, 2011

Free Sheet Music For Penelope The Movie

Cases of Inspector Pomeroy: The cabinet

AM 8.30 am. Ceferino, security guard of the courts of Seville, horrified fellow discovered unconscious Melquiades the ladies. A Tomazo the Supreme Court's jurisprudence appears to be the weapon used to let KO

8:35 a.m.. Pistol in hand, runs the court premises. Notice something strange in the cupboard where the records are kept of the Andalusian Government. After ten minutes of careful examination, he realizes he has been replaced by the packaging of a frost-free freezer. No sign of minutes.

8:45 a.m.. Was the viewing of recordings of security cameras without success: a creepy infomercial contain only the Ministry in the New Judicial Office.
.... The inspector Valdemar
Pomeroy, suspecting that the chair can be poisoned, read the report sitting in the lotus position on the desk of the office of Judge of Instruction No. 6. He has previously toured the offices and officials watched, half-hidden behind colored columns of records.

- Hmmm ...! I recognize that to solve this puzzle it was first planted the classic question of who benefits the sleight? It is obvious that the band gazpachuelo government would take a good revenues of the scandal. Did not he reached the covenant not to examine the changes in attitude to solve the mess that the Court of Jurisdictional Conflicts? Would be the perfect excuse to accuse the judge of being smeared by the clan karakul, best known for the bocanegra. That makes sense. It would be a good smear campaign. Especially after noted that the head of a horse that had been placed in a desk drawer of the judge had not had the desired deterrent effect

"Moreover, the Gang of karakul also would benefit if they divulged the contents of the minutes. It would be a blast to read in the media as the gazpachuelo were injecting lots of pasta (macaroni, not exactly) in ERE's despite warnings from auditors about the joke in management. Not to mention the jokes told about Zapatero on the boards of government.

"However, a simple observation of the office has convinced me that the answer is much simpler. My experience tells me that in the Courts for a staple remover defamed by an ergonomic chair is sold to the mother, kills himself a coffee table ... that will not be a beauty cabinet such as that disappeared? Indeed, some staff had mad to contemplate the piece of furniture appealing and decided liened, named Depository. I am rooting for the processing bald grayish skin that sits at the bottom right. Have not observed despejadita it to the table? Yes until you see the head! That means he has found a way to have saved the files somewhere and not stacked on the desk or scattered around ... and what better place than this Pocholas cabinet? What will be camouflaged in some way and might have changed the color you painting it with a pen Edding 3000 permanent, perhaps wrapping it in posters of kittens.

"As for the record ... you will be given the same attention from an expert report, be in some dusty corner of the files or that an agency can not go no where. I would look in the library.


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